Month: September 2011

Tony Judt – space

“Love consists in leaving the loved one space to be themselves while providing the security within which that self may flourish.” ~Tony Judt

H. L. Mencken Quotes

“A great literature is chiefly the product of inquiring minds in revolt against the immovable certainties of the nation.” ~H.L. Mencken on Literature “Bachelors know …

Samuelson, Joan Benoit

I look at victory as milestones on a very long highway. Samuelson, Joan Benoit quotes

M. Scott Peck – Life

“We must be willing to fail and to appreciate the truth that often “Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to …

Daniella Kessler – loved

“When you feel left out, there is comfort to be had in knowing that you are loved.” ~Daniella Kessler

David Burns – You

“There is only one person who could ever make you happy, and that person is you” ~David Burns

Thought for Today – Determination

“Determination is an unbroken line, a backbone. Without determination life becomes scattered. Determination makes you sit up straight and love everything.” ~Thought for Today-UK

Kay, Mary

Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from their neck saying, Make me feel important. Never forget this message when working with people. Kay, Mary quotes

Paul E. Gray

“The most important outcome of education is to help students become independent of formal education.” Paul E. Gray quotes

Alexis Dupuy

“Men marry to make an end; women to make a beginning.” Alexis Dupuy quotes

Robert Burns – 29/9/2011

¡Ah, si nos fuera dado el poder de vernos como nos ven los demás! De cuantos disparates y necedades nos veríamos libres. Frases de Robert …

Remco Campert

Ik denk dat elke kunstenaar zich wel enigszins mislukt zal voelen. Omdat hij zelf wel weet, of ongeveer weet, wat hij had gewild. Remco Campert …