Month: July 2015

Jim Fox

“My father always told me, ‘Find a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.'” Jim Fox quotes

Charlotte Bunch

America is like an unfaithful love who promises us more than we got. Charlotte Bunch quotes

Marge Piercy

Burning dinner is not incompetence but war. Marge Piercy quotes

Maulana Karenga

It’s an African holiday created by African people. It speaks to me in a way it can’t speak to people outside our culture. We honor …

Antoine de Saint-Exupery – 31/7/2015

Mirad, en la vida no hay soluciones, sino fuerzas en marcha. Es preciso crearlas, y las soluciones vienen. Frases de Antoine de Saint-Exupery – 31/7/2015

Ludwig Boerne

“The secret of power is the knowledge that others are more cowardly than you are.” Ludwig Boerne quotes

Sir Thomas Overbore

The person who has nothing to brag about but their ancestors is like a potato; the best part of them is underground. Sir Thomas Overbore …

Aller Anfang ist schwer.

Aller Anfang ist schwer. Ovid(43 v. Chr. – 17 n. Chr.), eigentlich Publius Ovidius Naso, römischer Epiker

Vincent Van Gogh – 29/7/2015

Cuanto más lo pienso, más me doy cuenta de que no hay nada más artístico que amar a los demás. Frases de Vincent Van Gogh …

Eugene F. Ware

All glory comes from daring to begin. Eugene F. Ware quotes