Quotes from Our Daily Bread

THE BIBLE: Know it in your head, stow it in your heart, show it in your life, sow it in the world.”

A church with one heart and one mind will make for a won world.

A good test of a person’s character is his behavior when he is wrong.

A parent’s life is a child’s guidebook.

A solid foundation gives strength to a building and a life.

An offense against your neighbor is a fence between you and God.

As we talk the talk, let’s make sure we walk the walk.

Be faithful – and leave the results to God.

Be patient. Show your world what God is really like.

Be smart – ask for God’s wisdom.

Compassion puts love into action.

Doing what’s right today means no regrets tomorrow.

Each day we choose the one we will follow in life.

Facing an impossibility gives us the opportunity to trust God.

Faith in Christ is not just a single step but a life of walking with Him.

God is there to give us strength for every hill we have to climb.

God stretches our patience to enlarge our soul.

God’s truth stops the spin of Satan’s lies.

God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary work.

Have we been looking for God in all the wrong places?

If children are to find their way to God, we must point the way.

Inner peace springs out of inner purity.

Integrity means never having to look over your shoulder.

Jesus longs for our fellowship even more than we long for His.

Keep your eyes on the Lord; He never takes His eyes off you.

Let God do the holding and you do the trusting.

Let God’s Word explore your inner being.

No matter how far you’ve run from God, He’s only a prayer away.

No one is strong enough to bear his burden alone.

Our greatest privilege is to enjoy God’s presence.

People with a heart for God have a heart for people.

Prayer is an intimate conversation with our God.

Rightly dividing the Word multiplies our understanding.

Salvation is the miracle of a moment; growth is the labor of a lifetime.

Spend your time counting your blessings, not airing your complaints.

The best time to stop an argument is before it starts.

The Bible is old, but its truths are always new.

The closer you are to God, the more you’ll have a heart for others.

The God who holds the universe is the God who is holding you.

The highest goal of learning is to know God.

The most powerful testimony is a godly life.

The roots of stability come from being grounded in God’s Word and prayer.

The treasures of truth in God’s Word are best mined with the spade of meditation.

There is no failure more disastrous than the success that leaves God out.

To build a godly life, let God be the architect and His Word the blueprint.

To find God, we must be willing to seek Him.

To see beyond earth’s shadows, look to Christ the Light.

To stay on track, let God guide your thinking.

Tomorrow’s world will be shaped by what we teach our children today.

We invite defeat when we remember what we should forget.

We must face up to our sins before we can put them behind us.

We need more than a new start – we need a new heart!

We worship a God who is greater than our greatest problem.

What words will be your legacy?

When Christ is the center of your interests, life will be in focus.

When faced with a choice, don’t betray your loving Leader.

When you find time on your hands, put them together in prayer.

You can never justify gossip.