Category: Today’s Word

Today’s Word


Definition: (noun) The ability to say or do the right or graceful thing. Synonyms: diplomacy, discretion, finesse, poise, tact, urbanity. Usage: While greeting the prince …


noun: Shameless boldness; brazen nerve; gall.


Definition: (adjective) Being such as to entitle or warrant compensation. Synonyms: remunerative, paying, salaried, stipendiary. Usage: Once I traded my unpaid internship for a compensable …


Definition: (noun) A shifty, deceptive person. Synonyms: dodger, fox. Usage: I can never trust that slyboots at the office—she is polite to my face, but …


Definition: (adjective) Characterized by intense emotion. Synonyms: ardent, fervent, fervid, fiery, impassioned, torrid. Usage: Their perfervid love affair was punctuated by shouting, hysterical crying, and …


Definition: (verb) Express strong disapproval of. Synonyms: condemn, decry, excoriate, reprobate. Usage: During the sentencing, the judge objurgated the crime in the strongest possible terms. …


noun: 1. Standardization that focuses on efficiency, predictability, control, etc., at the expense of individuality or creativity. 2. The spread of the influence of American …


Definition: (verb) Deliver a hard blow to. Synonyms: smack. Usage: Frustrated at being unable to fix it, Dad thwacked the engine, and it started right …


adjective: Cheap, showy, and gaudy.


Definition: (adjective) Given to excessive indulgence of bodily appetites, especially for intoxicating liquors. Synonyms: hard, heavy. Usage: As he was prone to intemperate behavior at …


noun: An escape artist. verb intr.: To escape.


Definition: (adjective) Moderating pain or sorrow by making it easier to bear. Synonyms: lenitive, mitigative, palliative. Usage: After the blacksmith burned his hand, he applied …


noun: 1. A rule book. 2. Rules.


Definition: (verb) Attempt by employing effort. Synonyms: strive. Usage: The candidate promised to endeavor to improve the quality of life in the inner city, but …


Definition: (noun) A conceited and self-centered person. Synonyms: swellhead. Usage: There is nothing in this world that the egoist loves more than himself. Discuss


Definition: (noun) A distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant. Synonyms: fetor, reek, stench, stink, mephitis. Usage: The malodor from the skunk filled the night air …


noun: 1. The part of a shirt reaching below the waist, especially in the back. 2. A brief item added at the end of a …


Definition: (verb) Pierce with a sharp stake or point. Synonyms: spike, transfix. Usage: My mother always warned me not to run with scissors, lest I …


adjective: 1. Unprofitable; futile; unreasonable; irrelevant. 2. Without sleeves.


Definition: (adjective) Guided by whim and fancy. Synonyms: flighty, head-in-the-clouds, scatterbrained. Usage: The flyaway young girl came to the formal dinner covered in dirt, as …


adjective: 1. Conservative, unimaginative, conventional, staid, repressed, etc. 2. Relating to a collar that can be fastened to the garment. 3. Relating to a garment …


Definition: (adjective) Irritable and perverse in disposition; ill-tempered. Synonyms: fussy, grouchy, grumpy, cross. Usage: I first put out my tacky lawn ornaments as a practical …


adjective: Conventionally attractive and suave.


Definition: (noun) Textual matter that is added onto a publication, usually at the end. Synonyms: supplement, postscript. Usage: In his pocket was a bottle, carefully …


adjective: 1. Serious; unmitigated. 2. Plain; undisguised.


Definition: (adjective) Affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit. Synonyms: corporeal, bodily. Usage: Though anxiety attacks are psychological in …


Definition: (noun) The trait of indulging in disreputable pranks. Synonyms: prankishness, roguishness. Usage: I had underestimated the rascality of my roommate, who had replaced my …


Definition: (noun) Total lack of meaning or ideas. Synonyms: mindlessness, pointlessness, senselessness, vacuity. Usage: My classmates' inanity forced me to seek intelligent conversation elsewhere. Discuss


noun: Otherness: the state or quality of being other or different.


Definition: (adjective) Spreading out in different directions. Synonyms: rambling, sprawling. Usage: The gardener's job was to tame the yard's few straggly bushes and make them …


noun: 1. A confident, stylish manner; swagger. 2. A tuft of feathers on a headdress, such as a helmet, hat, etc.


Definition: (adjective) Open to doubt or suspicion. Synonyms: doubtful, in question, dubious. Usage: Tom insists that his business is doing well, but from the looks …


noun: 1. A small finch, native to the Canary Islands, having greenish to yellow color, and known for its melodious song. 2. A bright yellow …


adjective: Clumsy or careless, especially frequently dropping things.


Definition: (verb) Mix together different elements. Synonyms: coalesce, fuse, mix, merge, commingle, flux, blend, meld, combine. Usage: My kids think that I spend all day …


noun: An activity, approach, state of mind, etc., emphasizing intuition and insights, instead of fixation on goals. adjective: Calm, peaceful, unruffled.


Definition: (noun) Injustice by virtue of not conforming with rules or standards. Synonyms: unfairness. Usage: Even though I am older, my brother gets more allowance …


Definition: (adjective) Concise and full of meaning. Synonyms: pithy. Usage: He was a man of few words, but when he did speak, his sententious statements …


Definition: (noun) A petty misdeed. Synonyms: indiscretion. Usage: I have stayed with my husband for the sake of our children, but I can tolerate his …


adjective: Archaic. Named or called.