Category: Today’s Word

Today’s Word


noun: Grandeur, greatness, magnificence, etc.


Definition: (adjective) Slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity. Synonyms: dumb, slow, dense, dim, dull. Usage: Though he was generally regarded as obtuse by …


Definition: (noun) A relatively small amount of money given for services rendered. Synonyms: baksheesh, gratuity, tip. Usage: The bellboy waited expectantly, but no pourboire was …


Definition: (noun) A basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated. Synonyms: standard, touchstone, measure. Usage: Their criterion of a …


noun: 1. Any marine crustacean of the subclass Cirripedia that attaches itself to rocks, hulls, docks, whales, etc. 2. Someone or something that clings. verb …


Definition: (noun) A minute life form; a microorganism, especially a bacterium that causes disease. Synonyms: germ, bug. Usage: By the time their teacher completed the …


noun: 1. One’s pledged word, loyalty, or fidelity. 2. Truth. 3. Betrothal. verb tr.: To pledge or betroth.


Definition: (noun) A thick post on a ship or wharf, used for securing ropes and hawsers. Synonyms: bitt. Usage: He swung at the bollard and …


Definition: (noun) A beginner or novice. Synonyms: fledgling, newbie, newcomer, freshman, entrant, starter. Usage: You have no right to preach to me, you neophyte, that …


noun: An eel split, cut into pieces, and cooked. verb tr.: To treat severely.


Definition: (noun) A small halo or rainbow near the horizon just off the parhelic circle. Synonyms: mock sun, parhelion. Usage: The scientists concluded that the …


noun: 1. A coat of arms. 2. A description of a coat of arms in heraldic terminology. 3. An ostentatious display. verb tr.: 1. To …


Definition: (noun) A purulent infection at the end of a finger or toe in the area surrounding the nail. Synonyms: felon. Usage: What began as …


Definition: (noun) A reproduction of or an excerpt from an article that was originally contained in a larger publication. Synonyms: separate, reprint. Usage: The researcher …


Definition: (noun) A style that involves indirect ways of expressing things. Synonyms: circumlocution, periphrasis. Usage: His head was swimming when the lecture finally ended, and …


adjective: Using pretentious words and language.


Definition: (noun) Immoderate desire for wealth. Synonyms: cupidity, covetousness, avariciousness. Usage: Dazzled by the greed of avarice, I thought that if one eye could show …


noun: 1. A big eater. 2. A gullible person, one who will swallow anything.


Definition: (noun) Bitter, sharp animosity, especially as exhibited in speech or behavior. Synonyms: acerbity, bitterness, jaundice. Usage: Their divorce was marked by bitter acrimony, even …


verb tr.: To form something from parts that are very different.


Definition: (verb) To moderate or restrain (words) for the sake of politeness and decorum; euphemize. Synonyms: moderate, soften. Usage: She begged him not to mince …

Bechdel test

noun: A test of inclusion and representation of women in a work of fiction.


Definition: (noun) A rural idiom or expression. Synonyms: rusticism. Usage: He was a country poet whose verses were filled with ruralisms. Discuss


Definition: (adjective) Persisting in an ingrained habit. Synonyms: chronic, confirmed, habitual. Usage: He was an inveterate gambler, though a poor loser. Discuss


Definition: (noun) A straight sword with a narrow blade and two edges. Synonyms: tuck. Usage: Strickland employed not the rapier of sarcasm but the bludgeon …


Definition: (verb) To have complicating consequences or outgrowths. Synonyms: complexify. Usage: The problem merely ramified after the unsuccessful meeting. Discuss


Definition: (noun) A feeling of ill will arousing active hostility. Synonyms: bad blood, animosity. Usage: Dorothea had observed the animus with which Will's part in …


adjective: Relating to or living in flowing water.


Definition: (adjective) Marked by high spirits or excitement. Synonyms: sparkly, bubbling, scintillating, sparkling. Usage: She exhibited none of that effervescent joy at his appearance which …


Definition: (noun) An omen or foreboding, especially of evil. Synonyms: premonition, presentiment, foreboding. Usage: Sara was filled with an evil sense of boding as she …


noun: 1. Sorcery; witchcraft; black magic. 2. A representation of devils or demons in art or literature. 3. Mischievous manner or conduct.


Definition: (noun) A short, sleeveless undergarment for women. Synonyms: underbodice. Usage: The beautiful dress was made out of a sheer fabric, so Nina wore a …


Definition: (noun) The entire range of skills or aptitudes or devices used in a particular field or occupation. Synonyms: repertoire. Usage: When the band had …


Definition: (noun) The facility where wild animals are housed for exhibition. Synonyms: zoo. Usage: Through the dim smoke-haze the bunks looked like the sleeping dens …


verb tr.: 1. To make someone enthusiastic. 2. To express something with enthusiasm. verb intr.: To display enthusiasm.


Definition: (noun) A skilled worker who can live in underwater installations and participate in scientific research. Synonyms: aquanaut. Usage: The machinery on the ocean floor …